We’re in this still together

From Lukáš Borl // archiv:

There was some false informations spread on the internet about me collaborating with neonazis and cops. I am very grateful to all anarchists who approach the situation with touch and reason. Thank to everybody who disprove the lies which are to discredit me. It is encouraging to see that this situation doesn’t cause loss of trust and cooperation but strenghten the anarchistic coherency and solidarity.


Response on the lies spread about anarchist comrade Lukas Borl

From antifenix.noblogs.org:



On several profiles, blogs and web pages we saw that our comrade – 100% trusted person and friend LUKAS BORL is accused from being a collaborator with Nazis and giving information to cops. Also someone started FAKE Facebook profile under Lukas’ name. All of this is a COMPLETE LIE! These fake messages are probably spread by cops or an enterpriser Vladimir Krulec.

Continue reading Response on the lies spread about anarchist comrade Lukas Borl