All posts by freecommunityvap

Antifenix pamphlet. The Fenix verdict: Defendants acquitted (PDF) – taken

Taken from ANTIFENIX 

3 years of lack of evidence – 3 years that fucked up our lives (DOWNLOAD .PDF FILE HERE)

The Fenix case uproar, consists of a lot of accusations of many crimes, ranging from the one of so-called “promotion of terrorism” to the one of preparation of terrorist attacks. These are the ones that were most discussed at the latest Municipal Court Hearing in Prague. During their verdict, the judge acquitted all the five defendants of the Fenix 1 case. Is it a victory? Why this decision isn’t final? Followed article is a translation of a month old overview over the court hearings and some analyses of our situation and experience, originally written in Czech language.



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Call for International Solidarity on 16th of November 2017— ”Scripta Manent” Trial (taken)


On November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court in Turin, will be held the first hearing of the trial ”Scripta Manent,” and it will be a long-running case, in which 22 anarchist comrades are charged, and seven of them are still in prison.



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Neonacisty ve Svitavách nechceme! 28.9.

Na 28.9. se do Svitav svolávají neonacisté na akci namířenou proti místním romům. Naše komunita se připojuje k výzvě místních antifašistek a antifašistů na účast na protestní akci proti této propagaci nesnašenlivosti a zhmotněné nenávisti. Ať už přímo v antifašistickém shromáždění či mimo něj.

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Support Markéta and Mirek imprisoned in Turkey (taken)

Taken ABC

Two activists Markéta V. and Miroslav F. were arrested on the 13th of November 2016 while attempting to cross the Habur border crossing from Turkey to Iraq. They were accused of participating in terrorist activity in Northern Syria and taken into custody.

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Letter from Hamburg from Billwerder Prison, by a French prisoner (taken)


It’s been almost a month and a half since I was imprisoned during the twelfth G20 summit in Hamburg, in a city that was besieged and taken in hostage by the security forces, but which also saw an important local and popular protest.
Tens of thousands, if not more, flocking from all over Europe, and even beyond, converged, met, organised, debated and demonstrated together for several days in a great surge of solidarity. At all times aware of the possibility of suffering the violence and the repression of the police. A huge prefab police court had been built for the occasion, to punish any dissent against this international summit as quickly as possible.
My arrest, like that of many comrades, is based only on the sacred word of the police, of a brigade sent to infiltrate, observe and follow their “prey” (during forty-five minutes in my case, for a supposed throwing of a projectile…). Once isolated, they sent colleagues to arrest them, intervening quickly and violently, and leaving no loop-holes.
So, here I am, locked up in these places primordial to the proper functioning of a global social order, these places that serve as a tool for the control and management of poverty, essential to the maintenance of their “social peace”. Prison acts like a sword of Damocles hanging above each and every individual so that they are petrified by the idea of deviating from the codes and dictates of an established order: “working, consuming, sleeping”, from which no dominated individual may escape, so they alienate themselves through work and the life that goes with it, to be on time, without ever flinching, and not only during the second round of the presidential elections, where we have been required to be “En Marche” [“in operation”, Macron’s slogan and name of the party in power right now] or to die, preferably slowly and silently.
Since the law has no vocation to guarantee the general interest, nor to be neutral, it is the expression of an increasingly institutional domination by the most powerful in order to guarantee their property and security and thus paralyse, sanction and marginalize anyone who does not see things the same way or who will not submit.
Beyond the cases of the well-known and supported activists who are locked up, there are also, and above all, those men and women who are exposed to the brutality and the cruelty of imprisonment. Here the work is paid one euro per hour, of which half is accessible only on release from jail. In my wing, detainees in pre-trial detention or for short sentences (six months to four years) are mainly detained only for one reason: their social condition and origin. Apart from the staff, very few are from the host country, all are foreigners, refugees and/or precarious, poor, weakened by life. Their crime: they did not submit to the rules of the game, for the majority by engaging in drugdealing or by committing thefts, scams, alone or in organised gangs at various scales.
Imprisonment is a fundamental pillar of this system but one can not criticise it without attacking the society that produces it. The prison, not operating in self-sufficiency, is the perfect link in a society based on exploitation, domination and separation in its varied forms.
“Work and prison are two essential pillars for social control, work being the better police and rehabilitation a permanent blackmail.”
My thoughts go to the Italian comrades facing an umpteenth wave of repression, especially those charged in the investigation into the “explosive device” left in front of a bookstore linked to Casapound. The extreme right must face an organised, popular and offensive counterattack. It is so useful and complementary to those states that feed on its security aspirations and delusions and its incessant stigmatization of “foreigners.”
Thoughts also for the comrades who will face trial next September for the police car burned on the eighteenth of May last year, in Paris, during the movement “loi travail” (labour law) movement. Many people have gone through prison and two are still incarcerated. Strength to them!
Acknowledgments to the local activists organising rallies in front of our prison, an initiative appreciated here as it breaks the routine and the state of ambient lethargy in which we are alienated. Acknowledgments to all those who support us here and everywhere.
To the Bro’, 161, MFC, OVBT, wild youngsters, those who BLF and other friends …
Comrades, strength!
Let’s free the G20 prisoners and all the others! We’re not alone!
One imprisoned among others
Billwerder Prison,
14 August 2017
source Italian and french

New accusations: Fenix 2 is spinning up (taken)

Taken from ANTIFENIX

It was quite clear, that releasing Lukáš Borl from the prison doesn’t mean the end of another continuing of Fenix operation. More precisely Fenix 2 (The case of Lukas Borl). One of the charges brought against Lukáš is establishing, supporting and spreading a movement leading to suppressing human rights and freedoms. But the police will have kind of a hard time to prove existence of a group, where ther is only one person. Even for terrorism are needed at least three people, every newbie at the police academy knows that. And members of police units are not counted as part of the group! And so genius idea was born and it was clear that at least the second episode of Fenix needs a better reputation. After “unbiased“ judge in Fenix 1 ( the entrapment case where five anarchist facing charges for a “terrorist attack” against the train with military equipment in a state of preparation), who worked 13 years for ÚOOZ (the same unit who infiltrated and later arrested the group), would love to shoot refugees, hates Roma people and very probably women too, and after embarrassing apology from the Ministry of injustice to Igor after Igor was found “innocent” by the supreme court two weeks ago (doesn’t mean much, he still faces the deportation procedure), would policemen look like total losers if they kept claiming that Borl supports movement consisting of himself.

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Anarchist call against the #G20 summit in Hamburg [gr/de/en/fr/es/cs]


Our resistance against the G-20 summit does not want to be „victorious“ in the sense of preventing this event. It just could be the beginning of something that could also start on any other day: The self-empowerment of the individual over the existing and the (self) organization in collective structures. But just a call to that one would hardly pay attention. Therefore,
Attack G-20 summit!
Throw Hamburg into chaos!
Destroy the European fortress!

Continue reading Anarchist call against the #G20 summit in Hamburg [gr/de/en/fr/es/cs]