Tag Archives: Taken

Anarchist call against the #G20 summit in Hamburg [gr/de/en/fr/es/cs]


Our resistance against the G-20 summit does not want to be „victorious“ in the sense of preventing this event. It just could be the beginning of something that could also start on any other day: The self-empowerment of the individual over the existing and the (self) organization in collective structures. But just a call to that one would hardly pay attention. Therefore,
Attack G-20 summit!
Throw Hamburg into chaos!
Destroy the European fortress!

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Global Mayday 2017: Enough is Enough! #Disrupt2017! (taken)

Taken from Enough is Enough!

May 1st is a day of special significance for anarchists and the labour movement. It originated with the execution of four anarchists in Chicago in 1887 for organising workers in the fight for the eight-hour day in the year before. Thus May Day is a product of “anarchy in action” — of the struggle of working people using direct action in labour unions to change the world. While it has been hijacked by reformist unions and social-democrats in Germany and elsewhere, for the anarchist and syndikalist movement May Day is a day of world-wide struggle and solidarity. A day to remember past struggles and a day to fight for a better future. A day to remember that an injury to one is an injury to all.



Continue reading Global Mayday 2017: Enough is Enough! #Disrupt2017! (taken)

International call out for decentralized actions in solidarity with comrades accused of bank-robbery in Aachen 17.-23.4. 17 (taken)

Taken solidariteit

In 2015, a comrade from Amsterdam was arrested. She was accused of having participated in a  robbery in 2013 against the Aachener bank in Aachen. After a few months spent in preventive and several weeks of trial, she was finally acquitted and released. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that the Aachen Prosecutor’s Office will appeal this verdict and go to the revision court.

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Free at Last! Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets! (taken)

Taken Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu

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SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expulsed from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country.

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